Polo of the Month RULES

Polo of the Month Competition
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Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:29 pm
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Polo of the Month RULES

Post by alexperkins »

The Rules

1 -The Polo of the Month competition starts at the beginning of each month. The entry period is the 1st to 2nd week, with voting in the 3rd and 4th week.

2- If you win, you will need to send me a high res copy of your winning photo so I can begin to put a calender together.

3- Anyone can enter, as long as its a Polo and it belongs to you!

4- You cannot change the photo once entered

5- If you come 2nd or 3rd you will get a smaller image on that Calender month page

6- If you win, you cannot enter the same car again for that calendar period

Any questions just ask

Good luck!