Help on paint!!!!!

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Help on paint!!!!!

Post by Polo_Gio »

Hi all,

I was power washing my car the other day and i noticed that tiny dots of paint had came off all over my drivers side wing mirror. It not has lots of tiny dots that are a yellow colour ( am guessing it the primer ). Its not that noticeable but its annoying me. The other wing mirror is fine so am guessing the apint just didnt bond well enuf as its plastic.

To my question.........I am gonna take it off and spray it. It's a two part system yes.... paint the laquer?? my paint colour is LA5C - surf blue and its not metallic or pearlescent... Just wanna know what i have to ask for at the VW Stealers?


PS. I'd pay for a professional job but it doesnt really need all that work.
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Post by dino »

Most likely stone chips are the cause.

I went into the stealers and asked for a spray can of paint for my car and gave them the reg - cost me £11 for the paint and laquer.

Remember prep is most important for a good finish
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Post by Polo_Gio »


Yeah i've downloaded a pdf file offa here somewhere, think ben posted it a while back. Plus my dad wants a bit on his car done so i'll practice on his first... :P

Off to the stealer where i'll no doubt have a long wait to get served.
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Post by warrmr »

are you sure there not a supermarkaet scrape where some numpty has parked to close. i had white paint on my wing mirror where some numpty had got to close.
and mum also gets lots of black marks from trollys on her car. they usally come off with a claybar. or a mild scratch treatment

are they actually "dents" in the paintwork or is it still smooth. cos i dunno about you but my bonnet is covered in stonechips from the motorway miles i do. ( gonna get worse in winter with the gritters out) but they jus damage the clearcoat and leave you with little dents in the paintwork. so all i do is scuff the edges with 1200grit wet and dry used wet. so that the edges are tapered and fill with paint. leave it to set for a few days ( you will get an annoying blob of paint.) use a rubber sanding block and carfully sand down the excess paint) lines not circles. then buff out with a abrasive polish like T cut or the halfords scratch repair kit. ( its a drill attatchment with some abrasive paste.) then finish off with your usual polish and sealant.
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Post by Polo_Gio »

Thanks for the post. Its actually lots of little dots of paint that have come off down to primer when i power washed it. It looks like my wing mirror has acne!!!

I'll try and get a pic.
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