Anyone o Tiscali broadband?

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Post by 2s3xy4u »

Give me a few weeks and i'll let you know, ive just changed to them :lol:

AOHELL are a nightmare IMO

i moved house and they said i couldnt have their internet as i live too far from the phone mast thingy, a whole 2 miles infact :evil:
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Post by mjmills »

Tiscali charge low rates because they use their own switches on the exchange, switches that are (if i may be so bold) s**t. They are a fine service, as long as not too many people in your local area like downloads, then they are rubbish, and will drop connections. They also use bandwith scaling if you use peer to peer ports (for example downloading on limewire, or using bitTorrent) for a long time.
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Post by Si_GTi »

My mate is on Tiscali broadband. His service is distinctly average and is only 1MB but this has more to do with his location at the end of his local loop (ie. at the end of the cabling on that housing estate).

My colleague at work is also with Tiscali and says its OK until you have to try and talk to someone if you get something like a service outage, then its a right old pain in the arse :lol:

Certainly a step up from AOL though!
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Post by Chally_Rai »

I'm not sure about tiscalli....but let me know if you get free sexual favours from a dwarf :roll:
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Post by alexperkins »

Tiscali are evil. My next door neighbour and myself have more issues than issues with them.

Thats why we both changed to Eclipse ( Its been problem free from day one and 8 meg :D
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Post by GTILass »

we had them

they are poo
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Post by SteveB »

According to some people I know, Tiscali aren't that good, but it depends on what area you're in really. I've got Virgin Media 4mb [previously Telewest/Blueyonder] and they've always been fairly good. Originally I had 512kb line but they upgraded it as the top speed gets higher.
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Post by mysteryboy »

Im on freedom2surf and no problems whatsoever..

No experience with tiscali but I've heard bad things about them
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Post by oscar olop gti »

My work internet is Tiscalli. At the moment big problem, outgoing emails are being sent, but the receiver never never gets them.Tiscalli website said it could take 7 - 10 days to fix. Not good for a business me thinks.

Apart from a few minor problems like this, it seems too work ok.

My internet at home is with SKY, £40 installation fee, wireless router, 2Meg & best of all NO monthly charge. Never put a foot wrong. :D
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Post by mjmills »

I would recomend pipex!

As to the wireless problem, 3 solutions in my opinion:

1. Get a wireless router, they are very good! I have a netgear one that is used non-stop and has been for 8 months and has only need to be reset once, and has never dropped a connection. If you get one of the modern 802.11n routers these are even better, and will not drop connection unless you drive 1/2 a mile away in your car with your laptop on your lap.

Oh and also all wireless routers have multiple connections on the back for ethernet connection, so even with a wireless router you can have wired internet.

2. Connect your computer to the router (wired) and then activate "wireless bridge" that means your Internet is wired in, which if your happier with might be a plan, then your computer acts like a wireless router for your parents and their laptops. This does mean they can only get on the internet if you have your computer on.

3. Buy a rubbish wired router and fill your house with wires, leaving them trailing from your computer to the living room, and wherever the internet is.

One thing I would say is that the router that tiscali/pipex send you in the post is a piece of crap and will drop connections more often due to poor quality than a wireless router ever will assuming you buy a belin or netgear. The netgear ones a great!
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Post by alexperkins »

mjmills wrote: If you get one of the modern 802.11n routers these are even better, and will not drop connection unless you drive 1/2 a mile away in your car with your laptop on your lap.
Im gonna argue :P You only get fantastic range if you are using an 802.11n wireless card aswell. True, with 802.11g you will get extended range but not as far as an 802.11n card will give you :)

802.11n is still not a fianl standard, and even though its out of pre-n stage its still in draft status. From what netgear tell me, its gonna be finalised September 2008

Best netgear router by far on todays market is the DG834G - its indestructable :D
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