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Bonjour mon ami!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:14 pm
by cyhliu

Just a quick hello from Meribel, France. I'm here on my first winter sports holiday.

Been taking lessons in Snowboarding and boy, is it harder than I thought! I've not had much luck on the snow, I sprained my ankle on the first day but it's getting better...(the ankle that is, not my snowboarding unfortunately!). I'm covering in various bruises and cuts, I'm cold and I'm tired, other than that I'm having a great time!

Snowboarding is great fun...when I can actually get on the board, my instructor knows my name now...she's used it that many times..."Chris, get out of the gutter!" and "Chris, to the left, mind the little kids!" is a regular cry from her in her rather sexy French accent...I'm not sure if I'm just falling down purposely so that she can come and pick me up! he he he!

The class is full of kids and there are only three adults there, I'm the oldest...and the most awful snowboarder there is I can turn right...go straight...very fast, I can stop too, usually when there is a tree nearby or a child to knock over! ha ha ha, they are pretty robust these small people!

We've advanced to jumping today and I am pleased to say that I can actually make some air on my's the landing I have to master! ah well a couple more days and I think I'll be pro!

The weather here is so odd, it's sunny one day (hence the sunburnt nose!) and rainy the next, today it was chucking it down with much so that we couldn't see a couple of metres ahead of the goggles steaming up didn't help matters!

Well, enough from me, hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to Inters! Not to late to get some tickets you know! Take care!


Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 5:25 pm
by Si_GTi
Nice one Chris, good to hear you're having a good time! Out of interest, did you sprain your ankle when flipping the board round whilst lying on the snow...? Thats what I did and it damn hurt! I never got to do any jumps though... :(

Take care mate!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:30 pm
by cyhliu
Yeah, thats how I did my ankle in...also made it worse because I didn't realise that there was an ankle strap on my boots, needless to say I made sure this was tight for the rest of the holiday and no more injuries were sustained!

Yep it did hurt but I think because I used the strap for the rest of the holiday it helped as it wasn't allowed to move much! I'm back now, just can't face work tomorrow, guess I have to earn to reply back my holiday! ha ha ha! damn!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:38 pm
by dubpolo
skiing is better! hahaha! i got back from st anton in austria on saturday. i had such a good time! same the powder wasn't up to much.

glad you enjoyed yourself :D