Stiff/Sticky gear change

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Stiff/Sticky gear change

Post by MrP »

I noticed this morning when I got into my car that the gear change was very stiff compared to normal.. Almost sticky.

I first initially thought ice may have got onto the cables or something.. But it did it for the entire 30 minute commute to work.

Same issue one the 45 min commute back, although, literally 30 seconds from home it appeared to go back to normal..

Just been out in the car again, it was good for a few minutes then went bad again..

Now, The clutch is fairly new, it's not stiff or creaking or making any noises. The gearbox is making no noises and it still selects the gears fine at any speed with no noises or crunches or whirrs.

But the gear selector is still VERY stiff/sticky, it's the same stiffness on any gear, engine running or not, hot or cold.. If I play with the gear stick (forwards and backwards) for a while it seems to get better then go stiff randomly again not long after.

I'm guessing that something with the selector is worn, cables, bushes etc as my gear-stick has become sloppy as of late.

Has anyone had any similar issues or do you have any thoughts on the matter?
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Re: Stiff/Sticky gear change

Post by Endi_GTI »

Sounds a bit strange dude :( Mine was a bit sloppy but when i rebuilt my box i changed the selector seal as it was leaking. It seems to have done the trick but having the box in bits and cleaning it all up may have also helped i guess.

Maybe worth checking the seal mate, or i guess something has gone in the linkage.
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Re: Stiff/Sticky gear change

Post by MrP »


This morning it was stiff for like a minute, then it's gone back to normal and was ok for the entire morning commute.

I'm guessing something has got into the linkage somewhere, maybe in the rubber grommet on the cables or something.. Stupid winter.
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