Please remember you can only vote for ONE car and you MUST NOT vote for your own car
Here are the competition rules if you want further information
Get Voting!
Voting Closes August 31st
Polo 1 - alanwong

Polo 2 - red6n2

Polo 3 - quicksilveralex

Polo 4 - Moosegirl

Polo 5 - Bradley

Polo 6 - gregperkins

Polo 7 - RS_GT

Polo 8 - funlovincriminal

Polo 9 - Verity

Polo 10 - md1

Polo 11 - d5mkv

Polo 12 - joey114

Polo 13 - andrewsyme

Polo 14 - JazTM

Polo 15 - Scotty733