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Sadly my parking space is under a tree

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:42 pm
by Hooligaani
Meaning that if it's not leaves falling in Autumn, then it's summertime things falling on it. Bird s**t and sap and the paint on my GTD would be ruined had I not taped it. New polo won't get that luxury so I'm thinking about a cover. Any recommendations?

Thank you!

Re: Sadly my parking space is under a tree

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:07 pm
Having to park under trees is bad news, but I personally wouldn’t use a car cover.

Unless the car’s paintwork and the inside of the cover are spotlessly clean, the movement of the cover on the car in the wind, and the cover rubbing against the paintwork while putting it on and taking it off will result in swirled paintwork. Also, putting on and removing a car cover in wet, windy conditions would be neither fun nor easy, especially if you’ve no one to help you.

Not really sure what a cost effective solution would be, other than to clean the car regularly and ensure the paintwork has a couple of good coats of wax or sealant applied to make it easier to remove any unwanted deposits such as bird poo, which should still be removed as soon as spotted. Maybe you could investigate getting a ceramic coating applied, which should afford longer lasting protection - although it might be quite expensive.

Re: Sadly my parking space is under a tree

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:28 pm
by Andy Beats
My side of the drive is close to a tree in next door's garden, I snap/cut any branches that overlap.
But my car still gets covered in sap, the paint can feel like sandpaper.
Meguiars gold class shampoo takes it off so easily it's comical, no effort at all.

Re: Sadly my parking space is under a tree

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:58 pm
by Rosinfield
I use a cover; when you get the routine, it's no big deal. And no worries about damaging the paintwork whatsoever. Of course a good quality cover and sensible handling are a prerequisite