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Frustrating window problem

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:00 am
by KellyH
My 07 Polo gti went in for a service with all windows working and came out with none working!

I’m not technical so asked for help from another garage. They did diagnostics and apparently the system can’t see the windows at all so there is no fault code etc to work from.

Option is a coding issue apparently. Does anyone have any thoughts that could help me when I speak to the original garage (who are washing their hands of any responsibility).

Re: Frustrating window problem

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:49 am
by iichel
I think it's best to first find out why the car can't see the windows:
Does the module receive:
- Fuses/power
- Ground
- Data (canbus/linbus)

If one module is defective, especially driver door, it could take down the entire system.

Depending on the outcome of the diagnosis, you can judge any next step.

Re: Frustrating window problem

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:14 pm
Very annoying, but a module could have failed while it was in for a service, and that would not necessarily be that garage's fault, so it would cost you extra to sort it out.
If the second garage has the equipment to check all that car's systems, make sure that they have and not just scanned it with a generic "does all cars" engine only scan tool - which can't find fault codes for modules that it is not built to scan.

Edit:- even if the first garage had disconnected the battery the car's systems should have been able to hold their coding.