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Insurance accident question

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:58 pm
by Leif
Today I was reversing down a side road, the end being blocked, and I had to be careful as a parked van behind was extending into the road. This was a no through road, parallel to the main one. Anyway, a car reversed out of a side exit of a builders merchants into the side of my car. The insurance agent said she thought I would share blame, as I was reversing. I don’t see how I can reverse, look in the rear view mirror and look each side too in case cars are reversing into me. I have photos of both cars, and a dashcam video.

So, anyone have any relevant experience to indicate the outcome? I had a similar experience in a car park three years ago, I was judged not to be at fault. Dashcam video was a great help then.

Oddly enough I’ve had two near misses in the last two weeks, one person was reversing, nearly hit me, I hooted to warn them in time, another person tried to move into my lane on a roundabout, I hooted to warn them in time. All very odd.

Re: Insurance accident question

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:00 pm
by monkeyhanger
Generally, the car reversing is considered to blame in the absence of independent witnesses of one car is driving forwards and another is in reverse.

For both cars reversing, in the absence of independent witnesses, it's probably going to be considered 50:50 blame.

If your insurer is going to accept joint liability without checking your dashcam footage, I'd definitely complain about that, as it should be reviewed as part of their decision making process.

Re: Insurance accident question

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:33 pm
by Leif
Thanks MonkeyHanger.

I heard from my insurer that the other party’s insurer has admitted liability. Phew. That was a close one.

Three years ago the front driver side door was destroyed when a car reversed into it. Now the front passenger door has been destroyed. 😂 There’s also a dent in the B pillar and a buckled sill. Two down, two to go. I’m hoping someone can reverse into the front bumper as that has some damage and I want a new one. 🙂