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Grinding noise when i press the clutch in cold weather sometimes

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:10 pm
by Ping
So I recently started to hear this scratching noise when I move away in 1st gear in cold weather (around 0 celsius). When its around 7+ celsius I kind of cant rememeber hearing it more than very rarely)

*When I start to move the car gently after stop and the clutch is half way released on gear 1. I hear around 1-2 scratches and then its fine. At first I thought it was the brakes that didnt release.
*I started to experience the same scratching noise. When in higher gear and I give it some gas on 2000+rpm and i press down the clutch SUPERFAST (like ridicilous fast, almost like a racer or it was a competition). But when I drive normaly I dont hear it on higher gears.

Im wondering if this might be the clutch release bearing?
Or maybe my clutch is already starting to wear out?
Or maybe if this is normal sound from a VW clutch?

The car is a Polo AW -2018, with only 36000km / 3600 mile. I am second owner. I got my gearbox changed on warranty 6months after I purchased it. (So not sure how the previous owner handled the car or if its low VW quality.)

Re: Grinding noise when i press the clutch in cold weather sometimes

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:00 pm
I owned a (non VW) car many years ago where the clutch used to make a screeching noise when moving off from rest in first gear. From memory, it only did it in cold weather and the cause was a worn release bearing.

Yours does sound as if it might also be the clutch release bearing.

Re: Grinding noise when i press the clutch in cold weather sometimes

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:36 pm
by Harrihealey02
My brothers 2014 Ford Focus did the same thing, it was the clutch release bearing. You will mostly hear it in 1st because the cars not moving fast.

Re: Grinding noise when i press the clutch in cold weather sometimes

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 7:02 pm
by Ping

Turned the car in for check.

Turns out it was the front brake disc that cause this noise. Now equipped with new front brake disc and brakes it very quiet again :D . Did cost me a a bit though :roll: .
They also found a loose air filter intake and a very worn stabilizing rod on the front, so good thing I handed it in.

I talked to the mechanic that been working there for 8 years. He said since the new POLO AW model they havent changed a single clutch release bearing. Only a few gearboxes occasionally.