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One for the UKP Swear-word filter

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:04 pm
by KarlM
A little boy walked into his mom and dads room while they were
fighting. The dad yelled, "You b1tch!" And the mom screamed,
"You b4stard!" And the little boy said, "Mommy, Daddy what does
that mean???" And the parents replied "Um...ladies and
gentlemen." And with that answer the little boy ran off to bed.

The next night the parents were really horny, the dad said "Nice
t1ts!" And the mom, "Nice d1ck!" And the little boy ran into the
room and asked, "Mommy, Daddy what does that mean???" "Um...hats
and coats." And with that answer the little boy ran back to bed.

The next day was Thanksgiving and all of the relatives were
going to be eating and celebrating at the little boys house. The
little boy was on his way up the stairs and ran into the
bathroom. When he swung the door open it hit his dad's elbow,
(the dad was shaving and he cut himself) "Sh1t!" He bellowed.
"Daddy what does that mean???" "Um, it is the name of the
shaving cream that I'm using, now run downstairs and see what
your mom is doing." And with that the little boy did as he was
told. Meanwhile his mom was slicing the turkey, and she
accidentally put her finger in the wrong place. "Fcuk!" She
hollered and the little boy said , "Mommy, what does that
mean???" "Um, it means I'm cutting the turkey."

DING-DONG the door bell rang and the little boy scampered off to
answer it saying: "Hello all of you b1tches and b4stards, hang
up your titt1es and d1cks. Dad's up stairs whipping the sh1t off
of his face and mom's in the kitchen fcuking the turkey!"

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:21 pm
by Karl_CLCoupe
I have heard a similar one of those. Goes something like:

A little boy and his dad were driving along the motorway, when the little boys dad was flashed by a policeman to pull over. "Ahhh Bar-steward!" the boys dad said. "What does that mean?" asked his son. "Its just another word for police man son."

After arriving back home, the boys dad tripped over the mat. "Sh1t!" said the boys dad. "Daddy what does that word mean?" followed shortly. "Its just another word for mat." the boys dad replied.

Later the boy went up stairs and came acros his grandad in the bathroom shaving. His grandad cut himself and exclaimed: "B0ll0cks!" The boy asked waht this meant. "Its just another word for beard." was the reply.

Going into the kitchen the young boy caught his mum carving up the turkey. She cut herself with the knife. "Fcuk!" she said in pain. "Mummy what does that mean?" Its just another word for cutting son.

Later on that day there was knock at the door. It was the policeman from earlier before. The young lad answer the door: "Hello you bar-steward. Don't foget to wipe your feet on the Sh1t. Grandad's upstairs shaving his b0ll0cks off and mum's fcuking the turkey. I will get my dad for you..."
