A Question To All

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Post by char »

i'm pretty much typical student, hardly ever do any uni work until last minute :roll:

so whilst i'm not doing any work i see my boyf, get drunk, go clubbing, go shopping, play on the internet a lot, play on games, watch loads of films :lol:
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Post by olop_chris »

im kind of the same with the above, always leaving college work to the last minute! I...

Go to the pub
go to college
spend a lot of time on here lol
play pro evo
play 5 a side at jjb
love driving my car :)
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Post by Tahrey1043 »

When I'm at college?

* Get up fifteen minutes earlier than a goddamn work day
* get ready (brek, shower, check my gear etc)
* drive fifty miles to nottingham (out thru brum 'burbs to the green belt, short cut onto the M42 avoiding the morning snarl, zone out for 30 miles of trucks racing each other, then another shortcut into nottscentral the other end as the A453 is the devil's own work)
* walk up into college with two different bags full of work & books & laptop & lunch
* sit in some deathly boring & irrelevant lectures about stuff supposedly essential to my job (it's not)
* have various oh-too-seldom coffee and toilet breaks
* take an all too short lunch break in which i'll buy some mystery soup from the canteen to dip my dried-out sandwich in and try to do some work on the laptop (anyone who i was vaguely friendly with has quit the course due to various deeply unfortunate reasons)
* more bloody lectures
* then either see if i can make it home before 7 (setting off at 5.15) or give the evening up for lost and sit in the library doing work until 6.53 when they chuck you out as "it's past 7, we're shut"... then see if I can make it back for 9.
* do some work when i get back in as well, but its fairly guaranteed it won't be enough... (even better, i have to do a presentation on amyloidosis this thursday, i know nothing about the condition and haven't had a chance to do a jot on it)

One of these days, I will check out what "Ocean", the student bar opposite the college is like, but it'll be a while. I haven't even put my photo in this year's NUS card yet as there hasn't been any point.

Sorry to be on a downer...... but you did ask (i'm hella depressed over all the work right now)

Back at "real" university, a general weekday in the first or second year might have consisted of:
* sleeping until 8.56, waking up in a panic
* downing a cup of double strength black instant (and i wonder why i have acid troubles!) <--- made with the tap, kettle, somewhat suspect cup and big jar of "rocket fuel" guarana-enhanced coffee in my bedroom
* checking I don't look too disgusting
* grabbing bag and double-timing it down to the appropriate lecture hall (lots of 9am lectures, the sods!)
* taking a load of unintelligble notes
* then chilling out in the computer room, library, laundry, nearest pub, random parkland, the wall outside the library, bedroom, lounge etc, maybe having a power nap or two, getting clean, spending an age cooking brunch/lunch/dinner, and dealing with any other lectures and practicals that came along....
* wasting a hell of a lot of time on the computer :D
* and, having regular p1ss ups.
plus, weekends, go get hammered in the nightclub and sleep til like 12 noon or 1pm... (or wednesday nights even - rock club! and sick off the thursday morning lectures)
Yeah, i didn't know how good I had it til it was over :D Those of you who are doing it right now, appreciate it for the unique and unrepeatable time that it is. If you can afford to, get a Hard disc mp4 videocamera and record all of it, saving the results to a 500gb drive...

(third year was similar to current, except without the blessed zen meditation time granted by tooling up and down one of the most 55mph-limited motorways in the land)
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Post by CalvinGTI »

Bran wrote:
CalvinGTI wrote:s'all about POKER MAN !!!

. . .oh and maybe smokin a few spliffs.


thats why i was askin everyone wot they get up to, because now i cant do that as i got a warning - whoops :(
haha you got a warning? for spliffing, or for playing poker? *scratches head*

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Post by Weedle »

CalvinGTI wrote:
Bran wrote:
CalvinGTI wrote:s'all about POKER MAN !!!

. . .oh and maybe smokin a few spliffs.


thats why i was askin everyone wot they get up to, because now i cant do that as i got a warning - whoops :(
haha you got a warning? for spliffing, or for playing poker? *scratches head*


hope you didnt get caught in your car - itll be on the database of having been stopped with drugs inside - will be hell everytime a copper does a check on your reg !! defo gettin pulled over ( believe you me i know :) )
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Post by paul007 »

-work 50+ hours monday to saturday
-pub after work to "wind down"
-11's football training on a tuesday
-5 a side on wednesday and sunday
-11's game on sat (although that has been cancelled heaps cos of the b*****ding snow)
-town on sat nite!

thats pretty much my life! :lol:
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Post by CalvinGTI »

Toker wrote:
hope you didnt get caught in your car - itll be on the database of having been stopped with drugs inside - will be hell everytime a copper does a check on your reg !! defo gettin pulled over ( believe you me i know :) )[/quote]

haha well im already on the 'Dangerous driving' list at my local police station :-p

always have a place to stash stuff like that geez, you should never get caught with yr pants down !!!!

guess you'll have to resort to throwing the half smoken doubie out the window when they spot you ! hehe

Nice to see a fellow toker though :-p

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Post by Bran »

Weedle wrote:
CalvinGTI wrote:
Bran wrote:
thats why i was askin everyone wot they get up to, because now i cant do that as i got a warning - whoops :(
haha you got a warning? for spliffing, or for playing poker? *scratches head*


hope you didnt get caught in your car - itll be on the database of having been stopped with drugs inside - will be hell everytime a copper does a check on your reg !! defo gettin pulled over ( believe you me i know :) )
yeah i know, luckily i wasn't in my car, but a friends - yeah calvin, i cant do it now cos i dont wanna even risk it, i'm sooo bored now, i dont know wot to do !!!
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Post by Weedle »

CalvinGTI wrote:
Toker wrote:
hope you didnt get caught in your car - itll be on the database of having been stopped with drugs inside - will be hell everytime a copper does a check on your reg !! defo gettin pulled over ( believe you me i know :) )
haha well im already on the 'Dangerous driving' list at my local police station :-p

always have a place to stash stuff like that geez, you should never get caught with yr pants down !!!!

guess you'll have to resort to throwing the half smoken doubie out the window when they spot you ! hehe

Nice to see a fellow toker though :-p


same to you bro always nice to meet like minded peeps !!

thankfully i got caught in my last car so my polos all clean :)
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Post by NZ POM »

Play ps2,watch or play rugby,watch or try watching if i can stop laughing kiwis playing soccer sorry football, surfing the net or the waves,walking the dog on the beach NO not the ugly chick the canine type,get pi****d and then s**g some sheep because that ugly chicks just slapped me.
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Post by TERENCE »

work 8-5 thru the week - sitting in front of a computa.
watching tele,
play a bit of basket ball in the evenings even more so the evenings getting lighter,
work out in gym,
play my drums &
building model aircraft -
(not the girly ones! the one i'm building at the moment is a radio controlled aerobatic model with a 7ft wingspan and a rotary engine just bought a load of trick leds and bits and in the process of gettin a camera to put in the cockpit so i can get that bird eye view!!)
sat night - havin' as much fun as is humanly possible without getting into trouble!
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Post by djsimmy »

Meet up @ retail with my fellow dub m8's
play football
sit on pc msn etc browse ebay
see g/f
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Post by R1CH »

*tinker with my car
*out for a beer with mates
*have a gander on here etc etc
*think of ways to get rich.....quick
*search salvage yards for cheap motors
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Post by Tahrey1043 »

doing homework for college and work-based training assignements. sucks.
sometime the next 7 days i'll be fixing Poppy AGAIN
other than that .... internet timewastage, and playing on my little £15 mini-megadrive console thing. I reckon i'm gonna have Mega-lo-mania OWNED by the end of april (bloody solid game and save points only every 3 levels)

other than that not a lot as time is a big issue.
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