Problem Neighbour - Need help!

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Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by Polo96CL »

Hi all,

Been having some trouble with a neighbour recently, so to get the ball started i'll explain what happened a couple of nights ago. Excuse the grammar/spelling - most of its a copy and paste from MSN!

Was outside last night with my mate Shane with his bmw and my other friend Vicky in her ka. My other mate Baggy came with shane in his car so there are 4 of us including me. So were outside my house because my parents were in bed I wasn't allowed them inside, just chilling with the 4 of us in a circle chatting. No loud noise at all, just chatting between us. There were some cats fighting nearby and one of them s**t my mate up so I laughed, not excessivly just out loud as you do. It was only for a matter of seconds, anyway next minute this neighbour bloke opens his window and starts accusing us of making loud noises and shouting out. Bearing in mind this is about 10:30, he says we we woke him up etc which could be likely if we were being loud, however I know we were not. Anyway, I thought i'd be reasonable with him as i'm not the argumentitive type, so I goes "ok then we're going in 2 minutes".

He shouts out of his window "I don't care, do you want me to get your old man and have a word?" (bearing in mind i'm almost 18, roughly 2 weeks time) so I thought fook this, and so I say "I don't care". Next minute he's out in his clothes stomping across my lawn slamming on the door and ringing my doorbell!! He's pissed off that I "woke him up" but he's quite happy to have a freddy and wake everyone up in my house!

Anyway next thing I know he's shouting at my dad accusing us lot of "smoking, drinking alcohol, drag strip racing (lol my road which is a culdesac is barely wide enough for 2 cars to pass, let alone long enough to even get upto 20mph before you get to the end) revving engines and causing extremely loud noise (the cats fighting were making more noise than us!)" he goes "it's getting ridiculous, its been everynight of the week now". I've been out of the house for the last 3 nights and went to norfolk over the weekend, so have not been outside of my house for over 2 minutes past 7pm.

I'd fully understand if we were doing all of them things but we genuinely weren't, we are 4 people 18+ (well me with the exception of a couple of weeks just talking to each other). I'm a witts end with him, i'm not going to stop meeting my friends outside MY house just so he can't hear a tiny noise when he's in bed. I've since spoken to the other neighbours and all of them confirmed that they didn't even realise we were outside, let alone the "smoking, drinking alcohol, drag strip racing, revving engines and causing extremely loud noise" which were supposadly doing.

We've had problems with him before, one time when we were having the extension on the house done, it was about to throw it down so my dad thought "sh*t we better put the guttering up" (it was about 8:30 in the summer), next thing we know he's peering up at the bottom of dads ladder telling him to stop it's making too much noise, dad was putting the gutters up with a hand held screwdriver!!! Another occasion about 9ish I notice my right rear was getting low, so I thought, ohh s**t better pump it up, fair enough the pump did have a tiny little squeek and I was pumping for about 10 mins, he came over and threatened to speak to my dad about it! I didn't argue I just carried on, but I was hardly going to risk my own safety so he can have an early night.

The next door neighbour to him who is a safe as fook bloke, really understanding chap will help you with anything, they were getting there shopping delivered by tesco at 7:30, he went round and moaned saying it was keeping the child up because of the noise. Also, every house on our road has a light on the door, switch it on at night so you can see etc, anyway the bloke next door to me's light happened to shine slightly into his window, so what does the bloke do? No he doesn't go and speak to the guy see if he can put a film or anything on it, no, he goes and rubs black shoe polish onto his light so it dims it!

Well I found out today, turns out he moved his daughter bedroom to the front of the house from the back (which backs onto a main road might I add) because the birds were tweeting too loudly!

He was trying to make me out to be a complete yob, when in reality i'm a mature sensible teen just chatting with some mates.

I just wanted some opinions from people on what I should do? Is there anything?

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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by lolhoward »

Thats a long old story! :wink:

How about bump him off?

Sounds like his the sort of tosser that wont change. So dont change your ways. Just ignore him. Dont let him get to you. If anything, make more noise! I would.

How about buying a louder exhaust or sound system for your car.
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by randomage »

If he's going to moan, at least give the prick a decent reason to do it! :D Just ignore him. if it gets really bad, see if the fuzz can do anything about it. maybe get a petition going to kick him out? I can imagine the rest of the culdesac aren't exactly happy with the guy either!
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by BIG RHYS »

omg sounds like a total d*ck thnik he has some issues just tell him 2 sod of and put some ear plugs in lol
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by Andy1.6 »

Sounds like your neighbor needs to grow a pair!
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by Polo96CL »

Cheers for the comments, think i'm just going to carry on doing it for now as i'm not actually doing anything wrong. He's just a tosser with a problem, always happens when his wife goes out and leaves him to look after the children - perhaps he can't handle them? lol!

Now, how do you think he'd handle a hidden cherry bomb exhaust... ha!
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by Trottagti »

Iv got a set of gemini professional dj speakers, amp and mixer with cd decks for sale, and belive me wen i say THERE LOUD AS HELL!

I rekon shake his house down with some horrible uk grime as thats the worst music ever, because its legal to play ur music as loud as u want until 10;30 then u have to ask permission from ur neighber!!

:D might work!
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by kipper »

if u can legally play ur music till 10:30 do it.... if he winges tell him if he wants you'll get the police involved and see wat he says.

if he only does it when the wife is away and has the kids, y dont u or ur dad go round when the wife is there as well and talk to her and him.

failing that speak to the council about seeing about getting him removed... they'll probably say if u can get most of the people in the culdesac to sign a partition they will see about removing him from there and put him somewhere else.

or the nasty one would be get a friend who he hasnt seen, like someone from here, to come round playing loud music and revving the engine drive in turn round and drive out again. if the guy sees him or her they can just say its the wrong turn.
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by adam_0612 »

you should be a pain in the arse to him. When you hear him making a slight noise you should go and complain to him.

Give him a taste of his own medicine and watch him get really pissed off :lol:
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by pip_polo »

cherry bomb ftw :)
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by charlievwp »

What a nooob!! :o

Possibly helpful site. Good luck! ... /index.php
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by K.I.T.T. »

pip_polo wrote:cherry bomb ftw :)
Sack that, this is miles better:*.com/watch?v=hHNYQ9_I3ME


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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by kyle_mk3 »*.com/watch?v=CpAJOPzKK-M i say 3.10 gives u a good idea!
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by randomage »

ah, epic :D i must try that at some point. i live on the side of a big hill, overlooking a busy town centre.... big possibilities :D
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Re: Problem Neighbour - Need help!

Post by kyle_mk3 »

yea lol, make one n aim at those f*ckin parkies:L
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