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SatNav download

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:50 am
by Polo chap
My 6-month-old Polo does not have satnav, but I understand this can be enabled via the settings etc.

Tried but I just get the message "maximum privacy is selected as your privacy setting, to start shop change the setting"

I failed miserably!!

Any advice please?


Re: SatNav download

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:22 pm
by silverhairs
I tried to download the latest SD card for the sat nav, I'd have more chance of flying too the moon, I asked the local VW garage if they would do a download, they didn't want to know, but willing to sell me the latest SD card at over £100.00.
I went onto Ebay, and somebody was selling the latest SD card, he/she had about 5 to sell, I got the price knocked down to £30.00 inc postage.
I was a bit dubious about it might not be the right or even if it would work. Replaced the old one with the new one, and it works just fine.
More than delighted with it. I know if your capable you can get it for free, I did ask forum members if they would like to download one for me, I would pay them for their time, but no takers.
So if you want the latest SD card and having problems downloading it, look on Ebay.