Your know it's becoming an obsession when...

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Your know it's becoming an obsession when...

Post by dxg »

At around 5pm, you open your garage doors, to put "baby" away for the night.

At around 5.02pm, you think there's a bit too much brake dust on the alloys and so decide to clean them - just the alloys.

At around 5.30pm you notice a huge bird s**t on the passenger door and decide to to clean that bit - just that bit.

At around 5.45pm you realise just how dirty the rest of the car now looks and realise you going to have to wash the whole thing.

At around 6.00pm you have to apologise to the neighbour when she gets into her car to drive off, as it's covered in - let's say - overspray.

At around 6.30pm you're making a mental note of all the new resin/sap blobs, scratches, and reminding yourself that that new patch of "mircobubbles" will require dealer attention in the near future.

At around 6.31pm you're taking all the new blemishes as some kind of personal insult (especially the new "supermarket" one - someone must have done that deliberately as, after all, I always park across two spaces!).

At around 6.45pm you realise you're too scared of scraping it to chamios(sp?) it, but still wonder if you can justify buying a zymol starter kit (yes - I think I can!!)

At around 7pm, you go inside to change out of your now dirty and soaking wet clothes because they're no longer "good" enough to get into the car while wearing.

At around 7.15pm you slowly reverse it into the garage.

At around 7.20pm you decide to give the interior a clean.

At around 7.50pm you close the garage doors.

At around 7.55pm you're sitting inside balancing the trade-off between the fun of driving it and not wanting to get it dirty again!!!

At 8pm you notice that Top Gear's started so decide that re-laying the floorboards you ripped up over a month ago can wait for a bit longer - I've got my priorities right!

At 8.15pm you're sharing this experience with "your" community...

Yes, folks, this is how what would have been a ten minute task to anyone else, has just taken me three hours!!!

Deek. :oops:

(Did discover tonight that a pentax glasses/camera lens cloth gives the perfect finish when polishing the chrome door pulls.)
Last edited by dxg on Sun May 18, 2003 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1638
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2003 10:17 pm
Location: Suffolk

Post by Nelson_Wilbury »

Same thing happened to me at inters :?

Thanks for reminding me Top Gears on though :P
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